Indescribable is the One
Who appears as infinite worlds ~
Playing in astounding shapes and forms.
Still, when in human configuration,
We invent words to approximate
To describe, to understand
And navigate life in this creation.
On my birthday a butterfly landed
On a heart shaped morning glory leaf,
Just inches away from my eyes
Dusty orange wings fanning slowly,
Dainty legs clinging
To a shiny green surface. Delighted, I said softly,
“You’re so beautiful.”
It turned to face me,
Many faceted eyes
Peering into mine. |
We looked at each other
In deep communion
And tangible recognition.
The butterfly was
As aware of me
As I was of it.
This world, God’s world,
Is chockablock with wonders.
Leave words for a while
And be with
What is
Your own Self everywhere. |